Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weird Words of the Day - A B C style =] pArt 1

A is not for Apple! A is for Autohagiography. Writing about oneself in an adulatory way. Autohagiography has the same relationship to autobiography as a publicist’s puffery has to objective truth.

B is for Bafflegab. (lol) Incomprehensible or pretentious verbiage.
"Gobbledegook is mouth-filling, but it lacks the punch of bafflegab. The inventor of that one deserves an award."

C is for Cataglottism. French kissing, kissing with the tongue.

D is for Droogish. Relating to the nature or attitudes of a member of a street gang.

E is for Emmet and Grockle. A tourist, especially in Cornwall and Devon.

F is for Flibbertigibbet. A frivolous, flighty, or excessively talkative person.

G is for Gossypiboma. A surgical sponge left within a patient after an operation.

H is for Honorificabilitudinitatibus. (*_*) With honor. (rofl)

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