Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Awesome Illusion

Art in the subway =]

Photo of the Day !! (fAiL)

nEw HoT or NoT!!

red-bull sorbet! hot or not? *drum roll* totally hot! just don't take more then one (my mistake) because you could get kiiiinda hyper =P it taste's like those valentine's candies, and not at all like redbull. (again, my mistake of eating 2) reaaLly nice.. you gotta TrY iT =]]!!


Im guessing my "common cold" was a bit more serious. I'm on antibiotics now, and have to take 10ml of something that has an after-taste of cat's pee.. Not that I would know. I still can't believe that my main concern is how much work I'm missing at school.. Stay Healthy! It's so much easier.. =]


Yesterday was world Star-wars day. Being the fourth of May, all they could say was "May the Fourth be with you." =]