Monday, May 25, 2009

It's Time Again..

The time has come! =P It is.. the.. *drumroll* lyrics shuffle! Lol, so heres the rules: Put your music on shuffle! And right down 3 lines from it. (anything but the chorus) Then go on to the next one. Re-arrange them, in the end put it all together and see what new song you get =]

I remember when I lost my mind
Watching all the bad shows drinking all of my beer
To turn my life around today is the day
It's not so pretty all the time
And I know I misbehave and you make your mistakes
I am unwritten cant read my mind
Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
I will not make the same mistake that you did
This is who I am
Who do you think you are
You took the light out of my life
No you can't hop into my shower
Smile like you mean it
Im not gonna stop that's who I am
I just knew too much
Cause when I talk you listen
We should be wanting the same goal
Youre the one if I let you
I know a place we'll be together and stay this young forever
But girl tonight you look so pretty, yes you do.
We dont know which way to go
Think twice thats my only advice
There's no talking youre just an actor
You can tell the difference
I've learned the hard way to never let it get that far
Only you can let in, no one else

Peace And LoVE

If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal.
John Lennon