Friday, April 24, 2009

Wannabe Rockstars

guitar hero:: dream biig =] and you'll wiin =] me (left) and nicola (right) are the ownager's at guitar hero =] yesss.. we will ownage you =] because we are wannabe rockstars and iin our own world <3

Toilet Seat On eBay!!

*drumroll* Pub owner Chris Azerkane, England, was pretty excited that Camilla, Duchess of Corwll had isited her pub and used her toilet as the first public one in her life. Camilla had said, "I have never sat on a public loo in my life.I went in there straight afterwards and told everyone my derriere had been touched by royalty." But technically unless there is something Camilla's hiding, Azerkane's derriere was touched by a toilet seat. Obviously thinking this was her lucky day, she immediately took off the toilet seat to put it up on eBay.
Chris Azerkane holding the soon to be auctioned toilet seat that Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, sat upon. btw, washing the seat would lower its value. anyway, thinking about this, happy bidding! =]

Quote of The Day

"Here is the church and here is the steeple, we sure are cute for two ugly people." - The Moldy Peaches (anyone else but you)

mY body boardiing dog =]

No one believes me when i say my dog body boards. But the truth is, she really does, and she loves it. =] In the pool of course. But I'm sure she's got huge dreams to one day go to the beach. And really, with such a skilled dog, it's gotta be cute =]