Monday, June 29, 2009

The Power Of One Word

Dream. What does this word mean to you?

Love. Passion. Inspiration. Music. Career. Forever.

It's different for everybody I guess. But until you've actually been there, the power of one word, is amazing. It can change the mood completely. And that's the bad part.

It's so funny when you hear a song on the radio about love or break-up and you're like OMG i can so relate to that.. That's because everyone can. The power of one word. Wow. Yes. No. Maybe.

Such simple words.. Think about it for once.. Just think.. How many people think of it. The whole tiime.. Yeh, quite scary =]

So next time, think about how that one word can effect people around you. THINK ABOUT IT. THINK. THINK.. WHAT DOES THE WORD THINK MEAN TO YOU. THINK =P

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