Friday, May 15, 2009


lost everything..
so many things i've got to learn..
so many things i regret..
so many things left to say..
why did it end this way?
why does everyone give up?
i guess im just one of those people..
dont worry about me..
im going to be fine?
what's that supposed to mean?
how can i be fine?
why did he go..
if he's "in a better place"
then why am i not?

Am i going depressed? nope, i'm just giving up on everything i used to believe in.. im over getting hurt. everything happens for a reason? this reason is the most idiotic, stupid, overrated reason ever.. no one deserves losing someone.. why do we die? wish i could be immortal.. - In memory of Grandfather who passed away two days ago.. wish i could be immortal..

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