Friday, May 1, 2009

How To Get Rid Of The Flu

Everyone hates having the flu, right (influenza, if you want to get all technical) I know I do. It seems always just before exams or just before a big event (13th birthday party) You get sick. I'm forever sick but this time my brother was the one to make me sick. So with nothing else to do but drink plenty of water and stay cuddled up in bed, I think I might as well share *mY* way of getting rid of the flu =]

1. Dont eat any dairy products, because this encourages vomiting.

2. Try not to drink any caffiene. (yes, that means no coca-cola or coffee)

3. Drink Lemon, Honey and Ginger tea about 3 times a day. (without milk, 2 tsps sugar)

4. Eat apples on toast. It sounds weird, and doesnt taste very good, but it definetly works.

5. Get ginger tablets. Everyone says that ginger helps with the common cold, and I've tried it, it really does.

6. Do not try to stifle a cough. If there is slime in your throat, get it out. Don't swallow it.

7. Blow your nose! There's nothing worse then having a runny nose and all you do about it is sniff.

8. Dress warm. If you are sick and it's cold outside don't put on your shorts and t-shirt. That's not helping anybody.

9. Put on a scarf and socks,, Long pants (pj pants are ideal) and a warm top/jacket. Rest! Stay in bed.

10. Drink lots of liquids. You dont know how much liquid you lose when you have a cold.

11. If you have any communication (Facebook, Mxit, Skype, AOL) and you have a presence/status choice do not put it on sick. Hard to believe but this programme's your brain to stay sick for longer.

12. Take your tablets. If you dont, then its 1, a waste of money and 2, not going to make you better.

13. Keep telling yourself you are going to get better. And sooner or later, you will.. =]

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