Sunday, April 26, 2009

InjuRy AleRt !!

yesterday, eskom deciided to cut our power off. from eight a.m. phoning every hour to see what's wrong, you could imagine we were a liitle mad. ii was doiing homework by candlelight.. (gotta admit though, it was pretty cool) after using up my laptop, my cellphone *sigh* and my ipod's battery i decided to finish reading my book, and i did. bored out of my mind, i started a charade's karaoke contest. i won, because i was the only one playing. then i got out my old piano music and finished "He's A Pirate" from Pirates of the Carribean. finally, at 9.40pm eskom had arrived. i ran outside to close the door so the dogs wouldn't run out. u just wish I realised myself that it was wet from the rain. i came out the door so fast that i slipped on the tiles and landed on the ground. (klutz at her best) my dad came and checked to see if my head was full of blood (luckily it wasn't) but my head was about two cm's away from a step. (yeah, that would've hurt) i was in such a shock i couldnt get up. i was cold, wet and in pain! i fell on my elbow and wrist and my ankle. today we went for x-rays. luckily nothing's broken but just a liiiitle crack by my elbow.. phew =]

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