Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Fad..

Today emo is both music and fashion as well as an "inspiration" for the emo subculture, and the term "emo" is sometimes stereotyped, with skinny jeans on males and females, long fringes brushed to one side of the face over eyes or both eyes, dyed black, straight hair, tight t-shirtsm normally short-sleeved with the names of emo bands (or other designer shirts), studded belts belt buckles, sneakers or skate shoes, or other black shoes and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses.

This fashion has at times been characterized as a fad. Early on, emo fashion was much more of a clean cut look, but as the style spread to younger teenagers, the style has become darker. In recent years the popular media have associated emo with a stereotype that includes being emotional, sensitive, shy, introverted, or angst-ridden. It is also associated with depression, self-injury, and suicide.

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