Saturday, February 14, 2009

RosEs aNd tHeiR mEaNinGs...

From the last time anyone can remember, roses have meant love. If you re-organize the letters of the word ROSE you get EROS, who is the God of Love. The colour red is associated with strong emotions. Different rose colours mean different things.

Lavender -- Charm and Uniqueness

Orange – Fascination, Hugs

Pink (Dark) -- Thankfulness, Friendship and Admiration

Red -- Love, Respect and Courage

Pink (Pale) -- Grace, Joy and Happiness

Deep Red -- Beauty and Passion

White – Beauty, Innocence, Purity, Secrecy, Silence, Reverence, Humility and True Love

Yellow -- Joy, Friendship, Protection, Hope and Freedom

Black – Farewell, Darkness, Death, Emo :)

Red and White -- Unity or Commitment

Yellow and Orange -- Passionate Thoughts, Hugs

Peach -- Modesty, Appreciation, Admiration and Sympathy

Rosebud -- Beauty, Youth and Innocence

Red Rosebud -- Purity and Loveliness

White Rosebud -- Girlhood

Twelve Red Roses -- "I Love You"

One Red Rose in Full Bloom -- "I Love You”

Tea Roses -- "I'll Never Forget you"

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