Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just another girl...

If you're wondering why this site's address is and "Just another girl pretending to be one of them" My friends think its because I can get really depressed sometimes. That's not really the reason. I can't say the reason without it sounded like a soap opara, or a song that needs to be written. If it sounds like it, then now you know why. Thats almost half of the reason. Sometimes I feel no one understands me, they're just pretending to be there for me. I want to scream at them, because all of their sympathy is fake. I want to runaway, just to see who will come after me. I want to go to sleep and never wake up. I want to put away my life for just a while, and I dont want any problems in my life. To everyone else, I'm just another girl pretending to be someone else. Pretending to be one of them. Pretending I have a perfect life, but inside I'm dying. They really dont understand, that I don't want them to feel sorry for me, I want them to understand me. When they walk out of my life, it's because they can't handle the fact that I'm like this. I'm not an average person. I have different things to accomplish then they do. But to them, I'm just another girl...

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