Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Green Monster...

Everyone gets jealous. Whats really funny, is seeing your ex-boyfriend get jealous when you're busy flirting with the other guy. Then again, jealousy can get you into trouble. Especially if it hurts your best friend in the process. When everything's done, you will probably still be the one walking out with either nothing, or what you had in the first place. But you just have to do something so that the other girl doesnt get the other guy. aka - being a total cow. Most people will agree that girls are the ones that get into the fights. They are over-possesive. If they have something, all they want is more. Being a girl, I dont agree with this. That's the male's point of view. Because girls are more emotional, if the guy chooses the other girl, you aren't going to sit there and laugh. You're probably gonna slap her, cry, or slap him. I do agree girls are way to complicated. We can't just get along and accept that the girl got your guy. When you're 13, doubt it will last long, they aren't gonna get married. And the worst part is, its probably you that caused the whole thing, by being jealous and getting all catty. Dont mistake it though, its fun. But not when you walk out with nothing.

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