Saturday, January 17, 2009

All I Want..

All I want is a guy that

1) calls me back when i hang up
2) gives me flowers just because
3) calls me beautiful
4) kisses my forehead
5) holds my hand in front of his friends
6) puts notes into my locker to tell me he loves me
7) will not be afraid to show me off
8) knows what i want for birthdays or christmas
9) will be just a normal guy
10) would rather be with me then his friends
11) gives me my space
12) understands why i cant make a date
13) will never cheat on me
14) proves to me he loves me
15) proves he's not like all the other guys
16) proves he's worth my time
17) respects me and himself
18) never lies to me even if the truth will hurt me
19) always tell me when he thinks of me
20) sends me texts all the time
21) will choose me over everything
22) walks on the beach with me
23) will always be my friend
24) treats me right
25) is sweet
26) loves me
27) is honest
28) cares about whats on the inside
29) doesnt make up excuses
30) will always be there for me
31) doesnt care if i make mistakes
32) forgives me
33) apoligises when he has to
34) doesnt mind if i have a girls night
35) will stay awake just to watch me sleep
36) thinks im just as pretty without makeup
37) constantly reminds me how much he cares about me
38) gives me advice when i need it
39) knows hugs mean more sometimes
40) knows what i like and what i dont like
41) always gives me surprises
42) would make fun of me just to make me laugh
43) will take me to the park and put his arms around my waist
44) knows when to back off
45) tells his friends about me and smile when he said it
46) will kiss me in the rain
47) will kiss me at midnight on new years
48) counts stars with me
49) would make me laugh like no one else could
50) would never break my heart

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